Ethan lived intentionally……
In the way he dressed,
In the way he greeted you with his charismatic smile,
In the way he shook your hand or gave you a hug,
In the way he gave a toast amongst his friends.
Ethan loved a good adventure, traveling his own road, never shying away
from a challenge or turning aside from new explorations.
Ethan welcomed all into his friend group, especially the ones that needed a friend most.
He had endless wit, a keen sense of humor, a loving soul and a true connection
to those who knew him.
He desired to be happy, to be kind, and to be REAL.
His overarching goal was simply to bring joy — intense joy, to all he encountered.
He without a doubt achieved that goal while he was present on this earth.
Let us, his family and friends, intentionally carry out his spirit and find ways to bring
joy to all we encounter.
Chaminade College Preparatory School
Ethan M. LoCigno Memorial Scholarship
Donations can be made online here or mailed to
Chaminade College Preparatory School
c/o: Ethan LoCigno Memorial Scholarship
425 S. Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63131-2729
Donations can be made through the AFSP website or mailed.
Attn: OOTD Walks
120 Wall Street, 29th Floor New York, NY 10005
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Donations can be made online here or mailed to
47 Fund
c/o: Ethan LoCigno Memorial Scholarship
18377 Edison Avenue
Chesterfield, MO 63005
Donations can be made online here or mailed to
St. Louis Children's Hospital Fund
c/o: Ethan M. LoCigno Endowed Fund
1001 Highlands Plaza Dr. West, Suite 160
St. Louis, MO 63110